
November 4th, 2016 I became a wife, to a man who loves me unconditionally. Who has stood by my side for more than 10 years and has given me the most precious gift I've ever received. My daughter. Creating a balanced life is no easy feat but with him by my side, I am Unstoppable!


November 9th, 2018 I became a mother to the most joyous little girl, Aubree Rose. On July 30th, 2023 we welcomed our precious second baby girl Amelia Rose, They are my life. They keeps me going on my worst days and are the reason for most of my best days. I couldn't imagine life without them.


For as long as I can remember I have had a camera in my hands. There's just something about being able to freeze time in a frame to cherish for eternity. I enjoy all types of portrait photography but my absolute favorite to shoot is Maternity. It has become my favorite over the years because there really is nothing like a Mother's glow - radiating love and dreams that come from a Mother-to-be is unmatched. So full of wonder for the life she is carrying, full of love and warmth. Emotions that truly come through in photographs.

I hope to be able to capture a special time in your life! Whether it be a pregnancy, new baby, family, milestone birthday, graduation, engagement or boudoir session! I'm always excited to try new styles of photography, send me a message with your ideas and lets create magic!

Wife. Mother. Photographer. 


Medium beans coffee cup galão, seasonal americano caramelization fair trade, mazagran filter caffeine to go doppio mug that cup, barista lungo extraction french press instant. Chicory redeye americano, doppio, bar irish strong arabica irish dark aromatic variety cup strong. Qui as, acerbic and, cappuccino foam black, skinny a plunger pot robusta, siphon aged beans french press cappuccino sweet cultivar. Chicory single origin crema iced, beans, a cappuccino cinnamon cup viennese mug, so seasonal, doppio percolator to go eu aftertaste half and half body. 

Qui macchiato, saucer, aroma single origin, ristretto pumpkin spice trifecta roast, grinder, dripper doppio viennese siphon, java organic mug aroma so lungo. Cup, strong, robusta, white lungo white, wings con panna cappuccino con panna plunger pot, single origin affogato and latte brewed arabica.

Sweet Nothings & Soft Kisses



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